Cognitive Development and Abstract Expressionism
When you look at the world do you see it looking back at you?
Humanity has a funny habit of attaching itself to the objective experience of life itself. This is an entirely normal phenomena, for once we have entered the world we too find ourselves within it. Some pieces of artistic vision are a mere mirror to this world, while others invite you to peer deeper, not just into the artwork, but so too inside yourself. Where did the child go that carried the lightness of imagination? We once played in randomness, unconcerned with the clear lines and order imposed by the structures of our civilization. The irony of seeking clarity is in its coming about amongst the seemingly random colors, shapes and lines of the artwork. Natural cognitive development then calls for this recognition of patterns, connections, and meaning. In what appears disorderly, you might discover this essential aspect of development in action. What then comes to mind is arguably a revelation, and through this exposure you might come to better know yourself.
Creative minds are often moved by the language of the heart. Marked by unconventional compositions and dynamic brushstrokes, the art in a way is also translating this message to the heart of its viewers. Perhaps in our observations and reasoning we might reserve some space for this intelligence, the emotional processing that resonates with a far more profound understanding of life. As the art forms and takes new shapes through the mind, it dares not stick only to that level of engagement. It probes an imperceptible light upon the emotional subject. Engaging with this subjectivity is allowed, encouraged even, for it is in human nature to project one’s emotions onto a piece, aligning with these inherent skills that develop cognitively over time. With free reign in projection and for curiosity’s sake, what sensations might these compositions evoke? How can this exposure foster an awareness for the way external stimuli might influence and mirror our inner emotions? How then, might we open our awareness up to this as a metaphor for a greater life image? So, in these moments of ponderance before perceived ambiguity, our resilience in turn is strengthened by dealing with the mixed or conflicting emotions of this sensorial experience and other personal interactions.
While your eyes trace the figures moving across the canvas, can you recognize in the lines of these views the microscopic vision of reality before you? Move beyond any literal interpretation, this education has no grading system. The symbols are a message in these abstract expressions. What you see in these simple elements of colors and lines are all vessels for deeper meaning. You might look into my art and see yourself, realizing that the real lie is the idea of separation. True humanity is in acknowledging that we all share passion, anger, love, gentleness, what have you. Each symbol of this visual language transcends clear representation, and by your presence before it invites new conversations, personal and universal, to take place. Exploring this space elevates the mind’s ability to understand this conversation, that in our variations and temperaments we might individuate our identities, but the truth of our oneness is ever-present still. Cognitive development invites flexibility to our observations, allowing us to engage with multiple perspectives in a single image. Where I might offer you an enlarged view, it is you that assigns them meaning.
In many ways it is encouraged here to open up the mind as these expressions defy traditional rules of composition and form. I offer you some of the magic I create in the freedom translated here, to think in diverse and unexpected ways. What you see cannot be imposed upon you but is an invitation to embrace uncertainty. In overcoming the discomfort brought about by ambiguity, you might make sense of these visions by way of intuition. This confrontation can activate many untouched aspects of the psyche and may even prompt a cathartic or spiritual experience. With the imaginative efforts brought by the presence of new minds interacting with these pieces, the potential for significance in each shape, line, or color placement is infinite. The act of engaging with this art form has the potential to strengthen cognitive skills as you may transfer your methods of interpretation and processing into the challenges faced in the waves of everyday life. The ongoing practice of expressive abstraction can be transformative on the mind's capacity for perception and development. It can enhance creativity, promote tolerance for ambiguity, open up the mind to innovative solutions within the boundaries of the real-world.
jennifer verdieu art gallery
33w 19th street, New York 10011
Copyright © 2017 jennifer verdieu LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Love equals evolution
Ater three years of developing her own concept/language, which took her six years to visualise, jennifer is now entering this beautiful garden that she has been building for herself.
Apologies in advance for the price change but you and i know its worth it:)
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